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Faronics Deep Freeze for Mac
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Faronics Deep Freeze

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Faronics Products
Deep Freeze Mac
Deep Freeze Mac (OS X) with 1 year Maintenance Package
Our Price: $66.00


Faronics Deep Freeze makes Mac IndestructibleOverview:

Faronics Deep Freeze makes Macs indestructible. It protects endpoints by Freezing a snapshot of a workstation’s desired configuration and settings set by the IT Admin. With a simple reboot, any unwelcome or unwanted changes are removed from the system, restoring it to its pristine Frozen state.

Faronics Deep Freeze makes Mac Indestructible

Deep Freeze provides ultimate Mac OS X protection that leverages ARD for deployment and management allowing IT Admins looking to secure their Macs and keep them running smoothly, without any restrictions.

  • Freeze and Restore - Freeze your Macs to the desired state. Restore from any unexpected changes with a simple reboot.
  • Increase Your Productivity - Ensure 100% workstation recovery with every restart. Reduced computer downtime means increased productivity.
  • Completely Non-Restrictive - Provide users with unrestricted access while preventing permanent configuration changes.
  • Eliminate Lock Down Defence - Avoid the necessity of adopting restrictive defence or reactionary approaches for maintaining security.
  • Protection Against Phishing - Deep Freeze reverses malicious changes on reboot, protecting computers from threats such as phishing.
  • Eliminate Unplanned Threats - Provide a simple and effective way to clear all malicious changes to your system, including zero-day threats.
  • Prevent Configuration Drifts - Prevent Macs from straying from their baseline configurations while still allowing users to save their work.
  • Achieve License Compliance - Only keep approved software installed across all workstations, helping your organization achieve license compliance.

Patented Reboot to Restore Technology

Patented Reboot to Restore Technology

Empower End Users to Increase Productivity

Empower End Users to Increase Productivity

Protection from Phishing and Zero-day Threats

Protection from Phishing and Zero-day Threats

Extend the Life of Your Macs

Extend the Life of Your Macs

How It Helps

Faronics Deep Freeze makes Macs indestructible. It protects endpoints by Freezing the desired configuration set by you – the IT professional. Any unwelcome or unwanted changes users make while in-session are prevented from sticking. It’s really simple. By pushing the restart button, the Mac is returned to its Frozen state. While user data is stored safely in Thaw Spaces and is retained across reboots, machines run smoothly and efficiently.

Thanks to the Apple Remote Desktop, you can centrally manage Deep Freeze Mac and easily configure it across your entire network. Need to save user data? No problem. The mapping functionality allows you to redirect user data to a Thawed (unprotected) partition or drive. And as a bonus, your Macs will hang on to that ‘new computer smell’ much longer because Deep Freeze Mac ensures 100% workstation recovery with every restart. Enjoy the perks of running a clean, lean machine without users feeling restricted and locked-down.

Are you up to your eyeballs in helpdesk headaches? Deep Freeze Mac can help reduce that mountain of support tickets by 63%. Forget about file congestion, configuration changes, unauthorized applications, and hard drive degradation all together. Deep Freeze Mac provides immunity! Now you and your IT staff can get more sleep, worry less, and maybe even leave the office on time once in a while.


Configuration Options

Configuration Options

Customized configuration makes setting up Deep Freeze for your environment a breeze.

  • Supports multi-boot environments
  • Customize user name and password
  • Choose whether the Deep Freeze icon will appear in the menu bar
  • Choose whether the hard drive icon will appear with the Deep Freeze badge

Control and Flexibility

Control and Flexibility

Faronics Deep Freeze Mac provides flexible control over virtual storage drives or “ThawSpaces”.

  • Use ThawSpace to designate global or user-specific spaces for retaining data
  • User specific ThawSpaces protect from unauthorized access
  • Dynamic, resizable ThawSpaces
  • Selectively Freeze or Thaw fixed drives, volumes, or partitions
  • Import or export configuration files to or from other Deep Freeze Controllers
  • Create customized installation packages with all desired options pre-configured
  • Schedule multiple maintenance periods to automatically pull down persistent Apple Software Updates Add, delete, or resize Global and Individual ThawSpaces from within the ThawSpace tab
  • Create ThawSpaces from 1 MB to 120 GB in size

Dual Boot Support

Dual Boot Support

Deep Freeze supports a dual boot setup, with the ability to protect both Windows and Mac environments.

  • Deep Freeze Mac will protect your entire Mac partition, including any virtual machines within it
  • Deep Freeze for Windows can be used to protect Parallels, VMWare, Boot Camp, and Virtual PC environments

Data Retention Options

Data Retention Options

With Deep Freeze installed, data can be retained across reboots by redirecting both user and application data to storage space on non-system drives.

  • Retain data across reboots on virtual storage drives or “ThawSpaces”
  • Choose from mapping entire accounts, or specific parts of a user account to a second partition or ThawSpace
  • Account types include Admin, Standard, and Mobile Accounts
  • Create a User ThawSpace for each user or a Global ThawSpace that all users can share

Central Management

Central Management

Central Management makes it easy to deploy and manage Faronics Deep Freeze.

  • Complementary Deep Freeze Remote console to deploy and manage Deep Freeze Mac via Apple Remote Desktop (ARD)
  • Deep Freeze installer includes option to install pre-configured ARD tasks to directly manage Deep Freeze via ARD
  • Perform Thaw, Wake, Restart and Shut Down actions using Deep Freeze Remote

Automate Apple Updates

Automate Apple Updates

Apple updates are easy to automate with Deep Freeze Mac.

  • Schedule Apple updates during maintenance periods with Deep Freeze Mac’s maintenance mode
  • Machines will be up-to-date and secure without the need for any further actions

Absolute Protection

Absolute Protection

Faronics Deep Freeze provides comprehensive protection for IT systems.

  • Guarantees 100% workstation recovery upon restart
  • Provides password protection and complete security
  • Protects multiple hard drives and partitions

Integration and Compatibility

Integration and Compatibility

Faronics Deep Freeze Mac provides Apple Remote Desktop integration and compatibility with LDAP implementations.

  • Get enterprise-style capability with Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) integration
  • Install Deep Freeze Tasks for controlling all aspects of Deep Freeze via the ARD console
  • Use LDAP, Active Directory, and Open Directory accounts without limitation

System Requirements:

Supported Platforms

Deep Freeze Mac 6.0 is supported on:

  • Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11
  • Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10
  • Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9
  • Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8
  • Mac OS X Server El Capitan 10.11
  • Mac OS X Server Yosemite 10.10
  • Mac OS X Server Mavericks 10.9
  • Mac OS X Server Mountain Lion 10.8
  • Mac OS X Server Lion 10.7.5

Deep Freeze Mac 5.9 supported on:

  • OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 (or higher)
  • OS X Server 10.6.3 Snow Leopard (or higher)

Deep Freeze Mac is a Universal application (Intel and PPC compatible)

Additional Requirements

  • ARD integration requires Apple Remote Desktop version 3.2 or later.
  • Hardware requirements are the same as the recommended requirements for the host operating system.

Deep Freeze Remote:

Faronics Deep Freeze Mac includes a complementary management console called Deep Freeze Remote. It allows you to deploy and manage Deep Freeze Mac via Apple Remote Desktop (ARD). IT professionals who prefer to use a simple graphical interface may prefer to use Deep Freeze Remote to perform common tasks. As an alternative, the Deep Freeze installer also includes an option to install pre-configured ARD tasks to directly manage Deep Freeze via ARD.

Try it out for yourself – if you prefer to use a simple graphical interface instead of ARD scripts then Deep Freeze Remote is for you!

Deep Freeze Remote uses ARD to execute tasks and display their status. You can perform the following actions using Deep Freeze Remote:

  • Freeze
  • Thaw
  • Wake
  • Restart
  • Shut Down
  • Maintenance
  • Install
  • Uninstall

Deep Freeze Remote


Download the Faronics Deep Freeze Datasheet (PDF).


Faronics Products
Deep Freeze Mac
Deep Freeze Mac (OS X) with 1 year Maintenance Package
Our Price: $66.00